On Wednesday, 20.01.2021, the next meeting for the SMART TOUR project took place. The meeting was attended by the representative of the University of Ioannina (Lead Partner) and representatives of the working group from BIRD. The meeting focused on the reporting of the second half of the project, the analysis of the project progress during the first year of its implementation (January 2020-December 2020), the problems encountered and the impact of the Covid-19 academy on the progress of the project and forecast of its performance for the period January-June 2021.
The meeting was fruitful and will soon be concretized with the unique digital platform (Virtual Reality) on the cultural roads between the two neighboring countries. This platform will be provided as a “toolkit” to actors involved in cultural paths through GRNET and RASH cloud infrastructure. Comprehensive cloud-driven technology will be accompanied by capacity building actions, creative actors and stakeholder networking, clustering, methodologies and destination management strategies.
The project is funded by the EU under the INTERREG IPA CBC Greece-Albania program. Partners in this project are the University of Ioannina (Lead Partner), GRNET, RASH (Albanian Academic Network) and BIRD (Barleti Institute for Research and Development).